Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Failed to Recognize

The character shown in this tattoo supposed to be , which means "to know" or "recognize". Unfortunately, both the tattoo artist and the client failed to "recognize" the error, no pun intended. The tattooed character is missing a dot.

= recognize, understand, know


  1. You, sir, are a genius. ;) This website makes excellent use of the superintrawebnet as an informational tool, and also reminds me that I'm not alone in my bitter distaste for foreigners dumb enough to plaster themselves with kanji tattoos while possessing no prior knowledge of Asian languages. (I mean, really... that's just asking for trouble. ::shakes head::)

    I'll definitely check back on a regular basis to read your latest translations. Keep up the good work. :o)


  2. Hey, maybe it was a multi-session tattoo. The guy will go in and get that last stroke on day two. ;-)

  3. Durf,

    Nice! Could it also be like 畫龍點睛?

  4. it's more like 畫蛇添足 for those who marked themself forever

  5. "Unfortunately, both the tattoo artist and the client failed to "recognize" the error, no pun intended."

    If recognize is in quotes, doesn't that imply that the pun is intended?

