Reader Chris Port emails:
"I saw this site offering purses with (in addition to skulls) 'cool Asian script that no one knows the meaning of!' This looked like a job for Hanzi Smatter. Here's a closeup pic of the purses [shown above]. Thanks for any enlightenment you can grant, Chris"
努力 = great effort; strive; try hard
完成 = complete, finish, settle; whole
整 = orderly, neat, tidy; whole
黨 (simplified version 党) = political party, gang, faction
Professor David Porter of University of Michigan has a collection of original pro-Communism Chinese slogans. The original quote was:
which translates as "It is our great duty for the [communist] party to complete recognize itself and keep the spirit positive."
ReplyDeleteAre you sure that they're pro-commie, with the skulls and all? I sense a certain irony, here...
ReplyDeleteI'm with Tim Wesson on this one. There's definitely irony involved.
ReplyDeleteHowever, since there's no explicit reference to the Communist party, the message could just as easily apply to any political power -- such as the Bush administration -- with the same irony.
I believe that phrase is fairly common in mainland China, but not outside of it. Added to the fact that it's in simplified Chinese, it pretty much has to be pro-communist. ;)
ReplyDeleteI have seen, with my own eyebulbs, ethnic Chinese carrying bags or handbags (in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Bangkok) with slogans ranging from "F**k Me" to "Kill Osama!" to "Free Love", as if love were imprisoned.
ReplyDeleteOne wonders if the carriers had ANY idea of the message they bore?
eye balls
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tee shirt was this guy in Causeway Bay, the busiest Hong Kong shopping district wearing a shirt that said on his back (in letters as big as possible):
And no, it didn't have asterisks.
I saw an old man in Shanghai wearing a beanie that said SHIT
ReplyDeleteDidn't Paul Frank have a t-shirt that said in Japanese "I am a stupid American?"
ReplyDeleteraging red: that’s a shirt on j-list.
ReplyDeleteTim Wesson,
ReplyDeleteThe characters on the purse were printed as simplified Chinese, also there is an original pro-Communism quote that emphisized on the Communist party.
Whether if it was intentional to be ironic or applied to another political power, we may never know.
It is still odd to see that quote printed on a purse.
T-shirt Hell has a large selection shirts with interesting phrases.
ReplyDeleteMuch better than the hobo bag I got my girlfriend that said "Arbeit Mach Bags".
ReplyDeleteThe t-shirt anonymous saw that said 'Jesus is a Cunt' on it was most likely a cradle of filth t-shirt; them being a gothic metal band from britain. The front of the tee, if memory serves, shows a nun masturbating with a crucifix. It's kinda banned here in the UK and if a copper sees you wearing one he'll make you put a jumper on or something. I've only ever seen someone wearing one once and it's great for pissing idiots off, if that's your thing. There certainly is something tempting about a t-shirt that features a nun masturbating.... ^_^
ReplyDeleteA girl at a party had this bag, and when she heard I knew Japanese she asked me what it meant. Knowing only very basic Chinese I guessed and said something like 'effort completes the Party.'
ReplyDeleteAnother translation would be:
ReplyDeleteIt is the duty of the Communist Party to finish itself off completely.
Er, Carridine, are you just making a joke I'm not getting or something? Why wouldn't anyone in Singapore or Kuala Lumpur understand the messages on the bags they were carrying? English is very widely spoken in Singapore and Malaysia. And "Free Love" is obviously a reference to the 60s catchphrase - slogans are printed on bags all the time, surely?
ReplyDeleteAnon: I don't think 完成 has the connotation of "finish off" that you're trying to suggest. You pretty much have to use 結束 or 解決 for that.
ReplyDeleteNeither of the two would imply the dissolution of the party; 结束 means to end (usually a cycle of events) while 解决 is used in the context of resolving some matter. The closest colloqial equivalent of "finish off" is 干掉, which possesses a rather strong overtone.
ReplyDeleteThere's a large country called China that uses the characters in question.
ReplyDeleteAs written: Struggle to complete the consolidation of the party
The entire slogan as quoted: Struggle to complete the task of party consolidation and bring about fundamental improvement in the party's spirit!